The beginning of December flew by as Eric and Jodi wrapped up the final weeks of school before Christmas break. Eric wrapped up his 7th grade boys basketball season and began to prep for the beginning of the 8th grade girls season. Jodi's competitive cheer team competed in their first two meets of the year - finishing 2nd and 3rd respectively.
Kaleb turned 10 on the third of December. We celebrated by taking him out to see Puss in Boots at the theater. It's hard to believe he is already growing up so fast. Before you know it, Eric will be teaching him how to drive. Oh, the scary thought that is!

The Christmas decorations went up early and all three of us were counting down the days until our trip to Florida over the Christmas break. Just before we left, we met up with Jodi's sister Jamie and her nephew Brycen for a quick dinner at Applebee's in Marshall to exchange Christmas gifts and share some time together. Jodi presented Jamie with a new "Noel" sign (memories from their childhood) and is still anxiously awaiting her new "video".
On December 21, we were up and away ... long is the dead grass and blistering cold. A welcomed feeling of warmth and palm trees all week long made for the perfect vacation. Our first night we enjoyed a home cooked meal, mom's stuffed cabbage (Eric's favorite) and some down time to catch up. Our second night we went putt-putting at Congo River Golf in Kissimmee, near Old Town. What a fun adventure! If you ever have the chance to putt one of their courses - we highly recommend it.
Our third day was spent at the Disney parks. We started off at Magic Kingdom and finished our evening at Hollywood Studios. Eric and Kaleb's favorite part of this trip was the Fantasmic show at Hollywood Studios. It really was a great day. The parks were not packed and the weather was beautiful. We even got Kaleb on a few "big kid" roller coasters.
The weekend was low key as we celebrated Christmas eve and Christmas day with family. Dad had the days off from work so it was nice to spend more time with him. The Boehringer tradition of matching Christmas PJ's were in full force and the whole family got involved. Eric especially enjoyed that (Hee Hee).
On Christmas eve we opened all of the gifts from my parents. Kaleb liked all of his gifts and showed that we was one special grandson for my parents. Santa was especially nice to us this year. Kaleb got his Nintendo DSi XL - it was so fun to watch him open that! Eric and Jodi both got iPads. Wow are those things neat! The three of us went to Old Town and Fun Spot USA on Christmas night. There were lots of Go-Kart races and fair rides for all. It was a good time.
Our fifth day was spent shopping. Florida puts a whole new definition on traffic and crowds. Not the most pleasant experience but all three of us walked away with a few new items. Our last full day was spent at Downtown Disney. We enjoyed dinner at Planet Hollywood and then walked around to the different shops. Eric has been craving his turkey leg for an entire year. Lucky for him - they still had them. Dessert was turkey for the boys and Wetzel Pretzel cinnamon pretzels for Jodi. All in all, it was a very fun time.
We flew out on the evening on the 28th. The weather turned a little chillier that day so it made it a little easier to head back home. What a great end to the month though! We couldn't have asked for a better Christmas vacation. Here are a few of our other favorites from the trip.
The last day of December was spent with Eric's family. His sister Janet hosted Christmas for their side of the family. We enjoyed yet another yummy meal and gift opening with all of the kids. What a wonderful way to end 2011.
We wish everyone the best in the new year. Here's to some wonderful memories that we look forward to sharing with you in 2012 - cheers!